excellent inside knowledge of the industry with the impartial approach of the neutral consultant

Over 20 years in the energy industry

Löbbe Consulting stands for in-depth inside knowledge of the whole value chain, a fact of real value in times where a focus on issues which go beyond generation, networks, trade and distribution is of increasing importance.

Prof. Dr Sabine Löbbe

Löbbe Consulting is headed by Dr. Sabine Löbbe, Professor in energy economics and energy markets who founded the company in 2002.

Prior to this she was in charge of the core corporate development division for swb AG Bremen, where she also held a general power of attorney, and was a project manager for Arthur D. Little. She started out in the energy industry at VSE AG, Saarbrücken, where she was employed in the field of public services.

She holds a doctorate in business administration from the universities of Trier, Saarbrucken and EM Lyon and is a trained systemic consultant.

Prof. Dr. Löbbe lectures and researches at “Reutlingen Energy Center for Distributed Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency” at Reutlingen University, and lectures at the University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur (Switzerland) .

 A European location

Löbbe Consulting's office is located in the Basel area, in the tri-border region of Germany, Switzerland and France. (» contact)

A network of colleagues

Löbbe Consulting works with experienced colleagues on projects and ground-breaking issues